by onceuponmytravel | Apr 27, 2016 | Blog, Philippines, Visited Places
With over 7000 islands to choose from, where do we start?! For me, personally, the smaller, more deserted, the better.
After unsuccessful attempt to find a paradise in Boracay, I’ve decided to try Cebu region. Malapascua is an island located in north Cebu. It especially attracts divers because of a rich marine sanctuary, and is best known for thresher sharks. But diving isn’t the only reason to visit the island, it can also offer pristine beautiful beaches for a laid back holiday. (more…)
by onceuponmytravel | Apr 20, 2016 | Blog, United Arab Emirates
And finally I’m packing my Osprey again, thinking about those sandy white beaches.
We’ve chosen Dubai as a stop over point to Philippines. Yes, those rumours were right; Dubai is an expensive city, it is hot here and people are competing who will built the tallest, the shiniest and the most wow factor buildings. I found Dubai extremely clean (maybe a bit too clean), super busy but fascinating. To my surprise, most of the buildings, roads and mosques are named Zayed or Khaliffa. Why?! Also you’re not allowed to eat or drink on any public transport or stations, hold hands or kiss, litter, expose shoulders or knees in public, buy alcohol or sit together with men. But you can drink in bars and run half naked on a beach. Some of these are a bit bizarre, for a westerner. (more…)
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