I wanted to show myself it’s a wonderful world

I wanted to show myself it’s a wonderful world

Travel can be transformative experience. Alongside the actual trip (the air miles, unfamiliar dorm beds, indecipherable languages and alien landscapes), there’s a more personal journey. Foreign cities, different cultures and liberating getaways are often where we discover things we never knew about ourselves, or do things we never knew we would, or would dare to, back in the comfort and routine of home. (more…)

Thrilling weeks in Northern Thailand

Thrilling weeks in Northern Thailand

Visiting Thailand for the third time, or should I say crossing the border that many times. As the previous visit lasted like 5min just to do a border run to renew my Cambodian business visa.

However, every time I’m coming into Thailand, border crossing never goes smooth, it seems that thai immigration loves me too much to let go hassle free. Sometimes my passport looks suspicious or pictures are not the right size, or I’m just too blond. Anyways, if you’re Lithuanian, expect to have some problems 🙂 (more…)

It’s always soup o’clock in Vietnam!

It’s always soup o’clock in Vietnam!

There are a wide variety of opinions about Vietnamese food, and many many soups! I tried my best to eat them all.  ‘But aren’t you afraid to get sick eating street food?’- that’s the most common question I get from friends or other backpackers I meet during the travels. ‘But it’s worth it’s my regular response would be- and the last soup as every other i tried, was just that good. Knock wood, I never got sick. Overstepping fear and unconfirmed assumptions about street food safety, I eat my way around the world, discovering the best dishes that man can create, and all of them are cooked on streets. Vietnam is no exception. It’s always soup o’clock here for us. Chicken, beef, pork, the choice is yours. (more…)

Koh Ru resort. Now vs Back Then

Koh Ru resort. Now vs Back Then

My posts are so messed up and doesn’t go hand in hand with a time scale but what the hell. It’s still going to be a post with great memories and exciting pictures and it will still annoy people back home:)

About a month ago (seems ages tho!) had an opportunity to visit Koh Ru resort on Bamboo island, which is one of the first islands to capitalise on tourism in Cambodia but is now partly deserted and ‘out of business’. You might not be the only one on islands two beaches, but you certainly won’t be sharing with many. There is a small path through the middle of the island so you can hop to the other side, that still has some active tourism. Many of my friends from so called mainland worked on the island last seasons, before it was closed down by french owners of the land. They always tell exciting stories about unbeatable moments and crazy nightlife back then, when Koh Ru was blooming with tourists and had those outside hammocks occupied by visitors. Resort with all the bungalows and rest of premises still remain standing frozen in time. (more…)

Photo essay: first impression of Vietnam

Photo essay: first impression of Vietnam

Sad times came leaving my favourite Sihanoukville but chin up, I’m off to Vietnam! As I say ‘best plan is no plan’, still a vague one is from south Vietnam heading all the way north. So far ticked Ho Chi Minh and Mui Ne in my list. First one is very metropolitan with crazy amount of scooters and traffic but looking from the bright side I’ve finally found starbucks! And burger king, and subway, and KFC and McDonalds, which made me feel like in back in London. Not that I want to be back. It’s all about that caramel frappuccino that I’ve missed the most… (more…)


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