– Your three homes are your body, earth and mind – take proper care of them. –

Have you ever dreamed about a little cabin by the river, surrounded by woods and chirping of birds? I have this picture in my head quite regularly. That’s exactly how I imagine serenity and connection with nature. So when someone told me about such place existing 30km from where I am based now my instant reaction was “It’s not a good time to drop jokes like this, you know how serious I am about ME time…”
90km from Vilnius or just 50km from Kaunas hides Atokampis boutique Spa and resort – so called secret oasis consisting of three cabins, river of Nemunas and endless rye fields around. The cabins are built away from each another in order to create a private feeling and give you an opportunity to enjoy your partner’s or your own company.
I’ve chose a North cabin, booked it 2 months in advance and got into the waiting game with much excitement. August 17th approached in a snap, I packed my weekend bag, left all work gear at home and travelled to find the much needed peace. I had a great pleasure sharing this place and time with my little niece (who is not so little anymore…)
Driving last 5km on gravel road felt promising – hard to reach only means it’s secluded.
Our cabin was super spacious: with a kitchen, dining room, king size bed, bathroom with shower and a rustic fireplace. Full length windows let all the morning light in and made evenings feel so cosy.

Short three-minute walk from the cabin we found an Eco pool which is almost like a small lake with its own flora and eco system; no chemicals are used here and only fresh stream is flowing, hence the refreshingly cold water.
It was an extremely hot day so the splish splash and a short convo with resident frogs wiped all the sweat and drowsiness away.

Atokampis is located in a remote countryside, therefore there are no shops nor restaurants nearby. Guests can choose to pre-order breakfast, snacks or dinner trays or bring their own food. We opted to bring sushi for dinner and a bottle of rose to go with a sunset. It is something next level different to have food in nature. It feels more enjoyable, more appreciated. Anyone else with me on this?

An hour walk in the woods, followed by a soak in ofuro bathtub and a glass of Zinfandel is what I call a perfect medicine for my soul.
As the sun set low, fairy lights light up on the porch and the forest got louder. It felt as a story from a children’s book, except no wolf is coming for scares…

Restful sleep = recharged batteries. Morning sunrise yoga & meditation = clear mind and happy body. Combine this and you get a healthy life. Take care of your personal temple every day. A little restoration goes a long way! Don’t carry even a twinge of guilt for giving yourself that time. Refill your tank so when the next phase comes you will be ready for it, fully restored.

Find out more about the resort by visiting Atokampis Boutique Spa and Resort website
Thank you Atokampis for having us around. It was our great pleasure discovering the nearby oasis and enjoying company of Nature! As always, all opinions expressed are solely my own.